About SPJWC Juniorettes

Who are the GFWC St Petersburg Juniorettes?

Juniorettes, age 12 – 18, are the youngest members of GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs. The GFWC St. Petersburg Juniorettes Club became a member of the international organization, the General Federation of Women’s Club’s (GFWC) in 2004. The Club is sponsored by the GFWC St. Petersburg Junior Woman’s Club which provides support, oversight and adult advisors for the girls. The organization for middle and high school girls offers fun, friendship, leadership, and community service. Many members use their Juniorette service hours for scholarships and National Honor Society credits. Scholarship opportunities are available to club members.

We strive to:

  • Improve our community
  • Have fun
  • Develop tomorrow’s leaders
  • Make new friends

Check out our Instagram!

When do we meet?

Juniorettes meet one Sunday per month from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the GFWC St. Petersburg Woman’s Club (40 Snell Isle Blvd NE, St. Petersburg) and at other offsite locations in conjunction with service projects. Activities and projects occur year-round in addition to the monthly meeting. The club year runs in sync with school schedules and their annual state meeting is held over the summer. Membership drives are held in August and the Fall each year but interested girls can join year round.

How do I join Juniorettes?

Requirements for membership:

  1. Teen girls aged 12-18
  2. A desire to serve others
  3. Complete a membership application
  4. $20 annual dues

Guests welcome at all meetings: Come to our next meeting to check out our club and learn more about us!

Contact us today! Contact us for more information: [email protected]